BILAL's Home Page

Welcome to my home on the World Wide Web.
This page will tell you about me, my hobbies and
my interests.

First, a little about me. My full name is BILAL SIDDIQUI
My date of birth is 23-09-1979, My star is . I'm an IT Professional, I've been developing applications for web and Hand Held Devices 4 the last 4 years. ClIcK HeRe tO vIeW mY PiCtUrE

Visit my new website


Site			Address

Microsoft Corp.    	WWW.MICROSOFT.COM

Windows 95		WWW.WIN95.COM

CNet Central		WWW.CNET.COM

My WoRlD WiDe Jobs InFo PaGe

LiNk tO a GrEaT PaGe

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